Beisa Oryx dedicated team of rangers support monitoring efforts, providing education to communities on Beisa Oryx conservation and benefits, and also providing assistance – from supplementary feeding and access to water sources, to veterinary care – with emergency care given to the angulates. The action will support continues capacity building of rangers in monitoring, spotting. Data collection and storage. This data is analyzed and shared with stakeholders, and informs the decisions made by stakeholders, communities and the conservancy management while planning on Beisa Oryx and habitat conservation. Enhanced Monitoring; increasing support to conservancy rangers; Nakuprat-Gotu employs 28 rangers – all from the local communities. Charged with monitoring and protecting the wildlife species in and around the conservancy, rangers also play a crucial community policing role, working closely with the Kenya Police to crack down particularly on livestock theft and road banditry.

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Subsistence poaching and felling trees for charcoal both pose a significant threat to the Nakuprat-Gotu landscape. This situation is devastating to the pastoralist communities that we work with, and from which more than 90% of our team is employed. For those who are not pastoralists, it is impossible to understand how deep the roots of cultural identity go, when it comes to owning livestock. It is not simply a form of economy; it is an attachment that goes far deeper, touching the spiritual and cultural identity of individuals and whole communities. increased wildlife numbers are likely to attract tourism investment in the conservancy, which will be a major incentive for wildlife conservation. Tourism will provide employment and generate conservancy revenue that can be reinvested in community projects. Interventions. Supporting communities with basic needs, such as access to clean water. Awareness To The Community… involve the conservancy community, local administration/political leaders, local elders, teachers, students, youth leaders, security agencies, county government and all conservation partners.

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The Borana and Turkana communities in Nakuprat-Gotu are pastoralists, relying heavily on livestock for food and income. With a growing human population comes increasing livestock numbers, placing more pressure on the land, and increasing the risk of resource-based conflict between pastoral groups, and between herders and wildlife. Some families have taken to selling charcoal and bush meat as a way to supplement income from livestock, and buffer against the consequences of unpredictable rainfall. heavy, sustained grazing by relatively high densities of domestic livestock resulting in changes to the vegetation communities and erosion. Habitat degradation is by far the most serious threat to Beisa Oryx in the landscape they prefer has habitats. Beisa Oryx occurs widely in the semi-arid and arid bushland and grasslands of North-East Africa. Habitat conversion and increase in community settlement due to population increase is a threat to the habitat of Beisa Oryx. The Beisa Oryx Drinks regularly when water available, but can get by on water-storing melons, roots, bulbs, and tubers, for which it digs assiduously. The encroachment of livestock to the conservation areas has led to competition of the scarce water, hence forcing the special species trekking long distance and some sighted in the community settlement exposing them hunting and poaching. Causes of reduction of water include upstream abstraction, river flow, human occupation, and human settlement near water, siltation, and falling water table

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